
Someone said 2012 would be a year of changes.....

I recently decided to make a life changing decision.  THAT I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD.

But time has gone on in the same way, and I needed this.....

Why do people become complacent?  Stuck in a rut, comfortable and "used to" the mundane and routine?

Life is exciting, and happy, and busy and there is a big world out there, there is so much to do and so much to experience.  But yet, we are willing to give up what we want.  For what???? obligation?  A sense of security?

If something is not working...it isn't working...and you have to end the cycle.  If you're unhappy with your job..get a new one...if you're unhappy with your hair, get a new style.  We only live once and we have to do what is best for us.  Only YOU know what that is.  And you could only take so much...before you cant take any more...

And for my girlfriend, you know who you are...you are strong, amazing, and deserve someone to love you the way you want to be loved.  If he can't forgive you, then that is your sign to move on.  In love, you forgive.  In time, he should forget....but if he can't, and making you suffer, that is just plain cruel.

Most people don't like change, but you have to know when to let go...and do for you to make you happy.

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