
In matters of Love, is it better to think with your heart? or with your head?

If you know me..you know one of my favorite shows is Sex & the City and this was a quote that Carrie had used when she was writing a column.  I don't remember the rest of the episode, not right now anyway.  But this phrase always stuck in my head.

When you are in love....should your mind and their thoughts prevail?  Usually, as women, we know when something is wrong. Is this our head? Our heart? Or just that women's intuition? 

When there are problems but you love the person, what do you do?  Listen to your heart? or your head?  At some point....we have to use our logical sense about us, don't we?  Otherwise......we get walked on or give up on what we want....right?  Then who wins?  If you are overcompromising yourself...then you essentially lose yourself and what YOU want.  The heart has hope but can always be wrong. At some point, your logical side needs to kick in, right?

I posted this question on Facebook and I got a little bit of feedback on it.  The best feedback was this from my brother "when both the heart and head are no longer at equilibrium its time to move on. Easier said than done but you can't be happy if both head and heart are fighting each other". 

I have a girlfriend dealing with some shit with her man.  But she is avoiding the heart completely.  Even though her feelings are still creeping in and she can't seem to handle it. 

Currently, I have 3 girlfriends, and I swear...we are like the Sex & the City girls.  All dealing with man issues....we have our Charlotte, Samantha, Miranda and Carrie. 

Guess who I am......LOL....

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