
Saturday in Heaven!

Today is Saturday and, for once in a long time, I have the house to myself, I didn't have to wake up early, no kids to take to karate, no shopping to have to do, no saturday meeting.  This is one simple moment that relish and treasure. I hardly ever get these days where I can wake up at any time I wish, lay in bed til I want to get up and then just kinda lolly gag around and nothing urgent on my Saturday agenda.

I went to bed last night about 12:30 (this morning I guess) and woke up on my own at 10:10.  Doesnt that just sound wonderful, getting a good sleep.  I dont know about you, but for me, I get around 6 to 8 hours a day, which is sufficient, but it's definately nice to be able to sleep in a little more. Just kinda layed there in bed thinking..."what am I gonna do right now"?  and I decided to get up in my pj's, make coffee, take the dogs out, feed them and blog.  No cleaning the house today, no doing laundry, no phone calls or texting.  I am a simple creature really.  To me this is sheer heaven.  Being able to watch tv, drink coffee and do nothing......(sigh)

So, this week, I have been extremely busy at work, but for those of you who really know me, you know that I prefer to be at work.  For those of you who don't know me, I am a property manager for community associations/private communities.  Really I just think of myself as a glorified paper pusher...LOL  But my job entails me to be a problem solver and have knowledge as a plumber, landscaper, roofer, attorney, general contractor, not to mention customer service, which if you really know my personality, you know that I hate stupidity, which sadly is how I describe most of my homeowners and SOME board members.  My day is always the same but different in every way.  Sounds strange, but really can't describe a regular day.  All I really can say a regular day to me is already knowing before I walk into the door what I have on my desk and what I'm gonna do, then getting bombarded with calls or other things of "urgent" nature and everything else falls to the wayside.  THAT ladies and gentlemen, is a regular day for me...LOL

This week I was reminded of life and how in a split second, your whole world can change.  My friends boyfriend was seriously injured in a boating accident.  I wont go into the details, but you can read them if you'd like.....it is at lennyclem.blogspot.com.  Because of this reason, I starting to think of how she must be feeling and really.....I can't fathom all the emotions that she must be going through.

But it made me really think of my marriage with Stan and although we have gone through so much together and are still with eachother, I have to say that I am a very lucky girl.  I love Stan with all my heart and I know he loves me, there is rarely ever a time that we dont tell eachother every day that we love eachother or kiss hello and goodbye. 

Nor is there a day that I don't kiss my kids goodbye.  I never really wanted kids when I was younger and never really saw myself as the person I am today, but I can truly say that I would probably be a very selfish person if these kids were not in my life.  They are my everything and they are so much like me.  I always think of myself as selfish in a way, but also very caring and giving when I have it to give...my kids are the same way.  And As you can see in this picture, they are happy.  Everyday we make sure that we ask eachother how our days were and if anything interesting happened.  It our way of catching up.

CJ, my daughter is a very independant girl and wakes up in the morning all by herself and gets ready.  Stan takes her to school everyday while I get to sleep in (another piece of heaven) but she ALWAYS comes in and give me a goodbye kiss and says I Love You.  Up until last week, I took that for granted, but now, I enjoy her as much as I can.  She is the most beautiful little girl and has an AWESOME AWESOME personality, not to mention, a mean little fighter and the best hook kick. She is 11 and I started carrying her to bed again....LOL...sounds funny but she loves it...she is the biggest baby and in her own way still wants to be considered one, but she definately is a pre-teen.  And let me tell you.....mommy has a nice big gun.  I'm gonna need it because that girl is gorgeous. 

Devin, my son is 16 and although we have had some really difficult times, he is a good kid and definately loves his momma.  As he is getting older, I am reminded that he is turning into a young man.  Smart, funny and strong minded.  He has a plan to go to college and really wants to work, although, Stan doesnt want him to, he wants him to focus on school.  I have to say that I agree. Although he fights me on showing him affection, there is never a time now that I don't try to hug him or give him a kiss. 

Please read my friends blog.  I guarantee, after reading it, you will feel the same about your loved ones.  Never miss an opportunity to tell them you love them, miss them or hold them, for one day, your whole life can change.

Until next time.....Love eachother!


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